I have listened to a Japanese audiobook which title is roughly translated as “Leverage Reading,” by Naoyuki Honda.
Sometimes we find books which we enjoy reading multiple times.
And other times, we find books that we prefer not to read the second time.
The author, Naoyuki Honda, says we don’t need to read the same book twice if we prefer not to, and I feel deep gratitude for that comment.
Because in order to write a good book review, I thought I needed to read the same book multiple times, and it had become a burden for me.
It’s better if we can absorb as much with the first read.
Time is precious.
According to his book, there are two ways we can turn the knowledge into living wisdom.
One is using the knowledge to solve real world problems.
Second is outputting the knowledge into book memos and reread those from time to time.
I have been writing book memos for a long time now, and I got a lot of great quotes.
But I can’t show them to others, since my memos were often not clear on who said what in which book, because the reader of them had only been myself.
Now I know better to include all those information in the memos.
It’s up to us to make reading rewarding.
Original Japanese Title of the audiobook is “レバレッジ・リーディング” by 本田直之著 publisher: 東洋経済新報社