I have read a Japanese novel by Tetsuya Kawakami. The title is roughly translated as “Sell Your Weaknesses.”
The protagonist of this novel started a small dining room. Business was good, and he was happy.
However, a big restaurant opened nearby. A severe competition followed. He began to think about sales figures all the time, and he had become very tired.
But one day, an old gentleman commented a few surprising words to the protagonist after the meal.
It has made a huge impact on him. He remembered his original aspirations.
He had started his dining room, because he wanted to make customers happy with his delicious home cooking.
He had chosen the remote hill top as his business’s location, not only it was cheap, but also people can see starry skies.
When he has learned the hospitality spirit, his restaurant became popular.
I thought the arrival of protagonist’s rival restaurant sinister, but it made his business flourish as a result.
I used to think hard about numbers too.
But the most important thing is to remember our shiny original aspirations every time we forget it.
They are too precious to be lost.
The original Japanese title of this novel is:『あなたの「弱み」を売りなさい』by 川上徹也 publisher: ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン